Make a great first impression

Smarty QR is the smartest business card creator on the block. Turn meetings into leads and share your contact details without contact. Our cutting-edge technology and integrations reshape how the business world connects.

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Crea biglietto da visita digitale

Crea facilmente un codice QR per il tuo biglietto da visita e fai un'ottima prima impressione. Compila il tuo profilo, è semplice!

Condividi la tua carta con chiunque

Condividi facilmente il tuo biglietto da visita digitale con chiunque utilizzi un codice QR o invialo tramite e-mail, un collegamento e altro ancora. puoi scaricare il codice QR e stamparlo su qualsiasi cosa come volantini, newsletter o cartelloni pubblicitari.

Ottieni più clienti

I tuoi clienti troveranno un modo per contattarti. Tutto quello che devono fare è scansionare il codice QR e scegliere un canale migliore per raggiungerti.

Biglietti da visita digitali senza contatto

What is a digital business card?

Digital business cards are the most up-to-date way to share contact information. Also known as virtual and electronic business cards, digital business cards are more interactive, cost-effective, and sustainable than their physical forms. One major benefit of digital business cards is that they can be shared with anyone, anywhere. Smarty QR’s digital business cards can be created on iOS, Android, or computer and can be completely customized to fit your style.

How do Smarty QR's digital cards work?

Smarty QRs digital business cards are completely customizable, and can be shared with anyone—no app required to receive a card. After you sign up on iOS, Android, or the web, you’ll be able to create and personalize your first virtual business card. You can create multiple cards, with different information on each card. Make a card for work contacts, one for clients or customers, and one for your friends.

Condividi la tua carta con chiunque


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